Living Dreams on a Fabric Art Canvas

Find the perfect accessory for your home across a wide variety of custom projects and original fabric art for sale on Princess YellowBelly’s Designs shop.  Here we offer access to various completed projects like quilts, wall hangings, table toppers, runners, and landscape panels.  Soon patterns and kits for many of these original fabric art projects will also be available.

Remember – if you don’t see what you want, you can contact us via the form on the bottom of the page and request a custom order, or ask a question about creating your own original fabric art project.

Please enjoy browsing!

*Note: For the time being we will be selling our products through our secure store at – Lilies of Grace.  You can browser the entire store over at Etsy, or you can browse here, and the BUY buttons will take you right through to the listings.

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